Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


ugh! I woke up too late to fit in the gym in this morning ;/ grr. oh well, just gunna have to go at some point today, before the midnight show of "Eclipse". Im such a twi-nerd ;)

Monday, June 28, 2010










Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today was rough. :/ I hate you vodka.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I want this bag, badddd. Silver would be better!

where can I find this?????

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Amber!

Today is my best friend Amber’s, 23rd birthday ;) Considering we’ve been besties since first grade, I wanted to do a little shout out to her & a trip down memory lane :)



You've been there for me
through the good times and bad



I know I can count on you
to be there when I'm sad



Life without you
just wouldn't be right



I wouldn't be able to get through
each day and night



When I've had a bad day
I know that you're only a call away



When life takes that crazy turn
You are always there to help me learn



We've had so many good times together
I know we'll be best friends forever



No matter where we are
I know we'll never be too far



You're my idol, my sister, my friend
We'll be together till the end
Even when we're old and gray
You'll be here still,
to help me get on my way!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Enabled Comments!

I finally fixed the comment links at the end of my entries. So if your following me on blogspot, then you can post a comment on my entires :) yay! leave me comments now!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

i love weekends!

I had an easy day at work on Friday, I guess from being SWAMPED on Thursday! When I was waiting for my last client I found a picture of this girls bangs I really liked in a mag, So you know I had to do it…

Right before I was about to leave, Thomas (Color Shutter Photographer) stopped by & brought me my pictures from our last shoot! I was pretty pleased, some turned out great.. here’s a few.

Christina and Julie - 039Christina and Julie - 036 Christina and Julie - 057

Christina and Julie - 575

If we’re friends on FB, you can find the rest on there :)

That night Me & Jamie went to Gilligan’s pier to get some grub. All of our friends met us there for drinks after ;)


Sunday I had family coming into town & we grilled out and just spent time together! It was great to see everyone & have a chance to have all of us together! After everyone left, Me & Joey watched “New Moon” (my 20th time!) and I was trying my hardest to not pass out because Robert was FINALLY coming home!! He got to my house around 1am and stayed the night ;)  I was so super excited to see him. 5 days seems like FOREVER when he’s gone ;/ gosh, I love him. Im so glad he’s home!


Today Me & Robert ate breakfast & walked across the street to lay out by the pool. It was so hot outside & the water felt great! Then we went to the grocery store and got food to grill out with. We made grilled chicken, grilled squash & zucchini, steamed shrimp & guacamole drip & chips! it was soooo delish :) oh how I love my weekends!



Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

guess who’s backkk? :)

So, definitely decided out off ALL of these social networks, I enjoy blogspot the most. Its not like Live journal where you feel forced to comment friends you DON’T even know, or like Tumblr (don’t get me wrong, LOVE tumblr) where all people worry about is who reblogged who’s photo & yada. Anyways, I just feel like this blog will suit me best. I can update about my everyday life, as well as post personal pics or just pics from the sites such as Flickr, Weheartit, etc..


Today was nuts. My poor Dad was in the hospital for feeling like he couldn’t breathe on his way to work. THANK GOD his work buddy, Dominic was with him and they pulled over & he called my Dad an Ambulance. My dad is the type of man who isn’t a sissy, never complains about pain, and would NEVER choose to ride in an ambulance. So I knew he wasn’t joking around with this. I rushed to the hospital in Annapolis to meet him, my Mom, Grandma, Grandpa & Uncle. He’s fine now! They ran a bunch of tests, gave him a cat scan and some x-rays. There was nothing wrong, but they just think he had a minor panic attack from these new meds he’s on. Poor guy. I love him so much & he just can’t seem to get a break ;/


When I got home I went back to the gym (i already went at 8am this morning) to take the 6:15pm “BOOT CAMP” class. It was an hour long. man, let me tell you, It was crucial, but I feel refreshed from working out so hard. I love the classes my gym offers!


My sweet baby angel Robert arrived in Oklahoma today. His Grandmother passed the other day, I swear.. when it rains, it pours! He won’t be back until late Saturday night/Early Sunday morning. Gosh, I miss him ;(




