Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine’s Weekend!

My fun-filled & lovely, yet tiring weekend started on Friday night! After I got off of work I stopped by CVS and bought my Dad a cute little “get well soon” card with a bag of Reese Cups (his favorite!) just to let him know I was thinking about him :) Then I packed a bag for the weekend and headed down to Robert’s after a pit stop to Marshall’s to find me a quick, cute outfit for Saturday night.

Ashleigh met me over Robert’s and Bret came over shortly after. The four of us went to the Ruddy Duck and had a few beers. Around 10:30pm we headed back to the island and went to Catamaran’s! The Sam grow band was playing, so we listened to him and just hung out. Overall it was a fun night and I’m glad Me & Ash finally got to go out together!




Saturday morning I woke up pretty early, which was odd considering I didn’t go to bed until around 3am ;/ I made a pot of coffee and pancakes for Me, Rob & Bret. So yummy! Me & Bret watched “SAW 6” which was fricking DISGUSTING! ew. Then Me & Rob headed to La Plata, so I could get ready for the night.


We headed to Tori’s place because we were going to PowerPlant in Baltimore for her 22nd Birthday! We arrived around 7ish and pre-gamed for awhile at the apartment. When we got to PowerPlant the first bar we went into was MEX. It was only $25 all you can drink until midnight & the early Mardi Gras party. MEX was fun but more of a chill bar scene and we were totally ready to dance… so we headed to Angels Rock Bar then eventually to Mosaic. Every had an awesome time and around 1am everyone was pretty much done & ready to roll. We ate A LOT of McDonald’s (ew.) and passed out back at the apartment. I’m still waiting on the pictures so I can post them, I bet there are some real funnies in the batch :)


Sunday morning, Me & Robert left around 10am and headed back to the island. We stopped on the way home to get coffee and bagels then just couldn’t wait to get home. We both were so exhausted and tired of being in the car. I showered and got ready and we discussed what we were going do for Valentine’s day. Robert got me a really sweet card & offered to take me to  my favorite restaurant, Okada ;) to get sushi! Double YUM! I got him a funny card and a heart shaped box of chocolate truffles. We decided to go to an early dinner to beat the rush, and had a crucial sushi feast! We went to JCPenny’s afterwards to just walk around and walk off some of that food we tore up, lol! After that we decided to go home and rent some movies & relax. We rented “Jennifer’s Body” with Megan Fox, LOL so retarded, but I liked it.

We also watched some other movie about Sex & Death.. lol I forget the name but It was Okay, I fell asleep and missed the end, go figure!


This morning I cleaned up Robert’s room for him and headed home. Me & My dad went out for lunch at the local deli, The Town Mouse and came home to chill. We watched “The Painted Veil” with Naomi Watts & Edward Norton, It was a really good movie.

The rest of the day I pretty much relaxed and did a whole lot of nothing. I worked out about an hour ago and now I’m ready to settle down and get ready for bed. I figured I better update first, I actually trying to get up with this, this time! I also have to get some sleep before my big interview tomorrow for a contractor for the government! I’m so excited.. wish me luck :)



Friday, February 12, 2010

Gettin’ back in motion…

Not much happened yesterday except the fact that I FINALLY got out of the house! I went to work and did Brandi & Marie’s hair. The only two client’s I had all day, but oh well, better than having none at all.

After work I left and headed down to Robert's! I was so excited to see him since I’ve been snowed in at my house since Monday! It was about 8pm when I got there so Robert was already relaxed and getting sleepy.  After I ate some yummy pot roast that he made, I did the dishes and we decided to go lay down in bed.  I tossed & turned all night because my body is soooo sore from all that shoveling on Wednesday!

This morning Robert woke up in a playful mood and kept bugging me while I was trying to sleep, like kissing my face all over and jumping on me! lol so I was pretty much awake by 5:30am and left the house when he did! I came home and watched last nights episode of “Vampire Diaries” which was super good! I’m so addicted to that show :)


Today, I have to be at work by 9am and work until 5pm. So far the only client I have is Shannon. After her I think I’ll drive up to mall and find a cute shirt to wear Saturday night when we go to Baltimore to celebrate Tori’s 22nd! Gotta stay lookin fresh :) Depending on how my Saturday schedule looks, I maybe going back down to Robert's tonight!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I’m Back!

I have neglected this blog badly the past couple months, so I decided that I would re-do it, fresh new layout & all !  Thanks to scrapblog for helping me create my awesome new header! I figured I’d do a sort of Valentine’s theme for the month of February!

I also have plenty of time on my hands considering I’m snowed in yet AGAIN. These snow blizzards in MD are a real pain in the ass! I can’t make it to work, or clients are canceling, it’s really hard to make money in these conditions! Ergg! Last weekend getting snowed in was a lot of fun though! I was at Robert’s house from Thursday until Monday. I had the honor of my bestest friend in the whole wide world joining me in this adventure :)

18671_332155280940_756185940_5255058_6545785_nMe & Jamie taking a moment to pose outside during the snowfall!

We also decided to get the party started Friday night, we would make a “totally 90’s” playlist, with all the hit songs we used to love! It was so much fun, dancing around & acting like fools with the music blasting! We also  had a crazy extreme snowball fight outback. Diving, Rolling around, crawling, dodging.. getting smacked in the face, that’s how it all went down! It was fun though!

The next day we went to Patuxent High and went sledding & snowboarding down the huge hill behind  the school. It was so windy because the blizzard starting picking up, so we didn’t stay long! Later on that night a few of us went over to Paige & Mike’s house to hang out with Paige & Rosie! We played a bunch of card games and had a blast! These pics don’t even define the craziness that went down!

20745_328972495148_503255148_5150403_559927_n20745_328972515148_503255148_5150405_1753444_n“never ever have I ever… fell off a black Craftsman stool..”

[Jamie puts a finger down!]

bahahahaha :D


Monday, Me & Jamie went out for sushi at Okada in California & then off to see the movie “Dear John”. I must say, the book was WAY better than the movie. I was a little disappointed but at least I got to look at yummy Channing Tatum :)

Today I was catching up on the past 3 episodes of “Vampire Diaries” and it’s getting soooooo good! I can’t wait until tomorrow nights episode! Stefan is beyond HOT! I’d let him turn me ;) hahaha! I heard this song on one of the episodes and I’m really feelin it! (turn off music on my ipod before listening to this!)


after my VD catching up, I went outside and helped my mom shovel our driveway and our neighbors driveway as well. I know, how sweet right?! My freaking lower back is hurting so bad though. I could really use a massage ;x

I miss my loverboy oh so much. It’s been two days without him and it feels so weird. I guess I got used to going to bed with him every night for 4 days straight that now its awkward going to sleep alone! Bahhh ;(




just testing out my new signature :)