Sunday, May 8, 2011

New Stuff(s)!

Hola! First off let me start by saying Happy Mother's Day to those out there who are awesome mom's, ya'll ROCK! Some people should take notes from these awesome mommies.. mmhmm.

Secondly, sorry for the lack of posting, I'm always SO super busy.. Working ALL the time. wah ;( I'll be posting more now that I want to get back in the swing of things in the blogger world.

AWESOME NEWS!! I got a boyfriend. lol that sounds so nerdy :P But yes, he's super cute & funny & absolutely sweet as can be. *High Five* to me! ♥

My make-up collection feels like it just keeps growing & growing, So that results in a cramped up bag that is clearly a hot mess. I went to Target and found a really cute Caboodle Make-up Bag and it helps me keep more organized! LOVE IT.

it was like $30 but really worth it. I like how I can keep all my MAC eye shadows together, brushes, etc. Super stoked. Also I found this AWESOME website called iViScents and pretty much I want EVERYTHING! I ordered this today:

iSmell Soap in "Sandcastle"

iCing Body Frosting in "Birthday Cake"

I also ordered some clip-in fringed bangs to add to my hair when I'm feeling frisky! :) I found this really cute website from a YouTube channel, This girl is BEYOND adorable - I can't wait to try them out! I'll have to do a testimonial on them after I get them!