Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Past weekend..


Friday Night:

I did absolutely nothing. I didn’t even want to leave the house because it was so rainy & nasty out and I was starting to feel sicky ;x I just watched movies, layed in bed and played online. That’s about it.



I went into work @ 9am, only had two clients (BOO!) Robert had to work pretty early in Baltimore and while he was working, a Baltimore bum broke his driver side window and stole his cell phone & MY Navigation system! So he had to stop by Craig’s(his mom’s boyfriend) shop to get a whole new window, go to Verizon to cancel his phone & order a new one & then finally made it home! poor little babe ;( I got off work at 3pm and then went home to get ready for the night and then headed down to Robert’s house. I was determined to not sit at home another night, So Robert suggested we go to College Park to visit our friend Ben & to party hardy! We got there around 8ish and started partyin pretty early! Lauren & Kale were also there which was awesome because I had a girl to kick it with! We played a lot of games of Beer Pong & then around 11ish we headed to the bus stop to take us out. The first bar we went to was ‘Corner Stone’ and it was jammed packed! We had about 2 drinks there and went next door to another bar, I don’t remember the name of it! I was the first to go in and I rushed through people to try to find the bathroom and when I did, it took FORVER! I don’t understand why it takes girls so long to use the bathroom.. I mean to your business and get out. lol, anyways…

So after the bathroom, I went on a hunt to find the group and I search the whole bar and was like where is everyone? It was even more packed than the first bar and full of hot, sweaty, rain-drenched, drunk college kids! I finally found Robert & Kale at the downstairs bar and as I walking over to them, my earring got caught on some dudes jacket and ripped it out. Then walking to find Ben & The rest of the group, some drunk girl spilled her whole drink down my arm, my toe got stepped on and I was just over it. Robert was too. But then we realized we lost Lauren & Kale, Ben wasn’t going back to the house right away so We rolled out, grabbed a taxi and somehow Robert remembered how the hell to get back to the house and we made it. There was more people back at the house then before, playing beer pong, girls taking shots & dancing to music from the iPod. it was craziness! Soon after we got there, Lauren & Kale made there way back home! I met some really chill girls, we talked about college, fake boobs & shots! haha!  and we all chilled for a little bit before passing out.



I woke up Sunday morning pretty early, I felt so gross, I wanted to go home & shower and get out of my clothes from the night before. We got home around 11am, took showers, got ready and headed back out to get some lunch. We went to Jasper’s to eat & watch the football game! Fucking Redskins, really? ;/

At 2:40pm we went to see ‘The Stepfather’ – don’t waste your money. I liked the whole movie, but the ending SUCKED! I guess a better way of saying it is wait til it comes out on DVD. I really wanted to see ‘Paranormal Activity’ but me or Robert didn’t feel like driving all the way to Annapolis to see it! The rest of the day we just lounged around, ordered pizza, drank hot tea, watched Dexter and went to bed!


I did a whole lot of nothing, AGAIN. lol I put some clothes away, showered, and went to get my nails done. I got them cut down way shorter and black :) I figured it’s October, black nails are perfect for Halloween! oh speaking of Halloween.. I got my costume in the mail & it fits, THANK GOD! here is what I’m being:

bootcampbabe-l I always wanted to be an Army girl or Sailor ;)


After my nails, I met up with Robert & we went to his Dad’s house for Dinner. It was his Dad’s birthday! Robert bought him a Carhart Jacket & beanie. We played with his little brother & sister, Titus & Abby, then ate some yummy dinner & Spiderman cake his wife made. We ended the night pretty early, went back to Robert’s, watched ‘The Eye’ on TV and then passed out.

Right now I’m at work, and bored as usual on a regular Tuesday morning ;/ I’m just playing around online! I found this movie that just came out on DVD that i want to see! It’s starring Rob Pattinson! Ahh! :)

TheHauntedAirmanDVDCoverUS I’m going to have to rent/buy that ASAP!

I’m not doing much tonight, just probably chillen, catching up on my TV shows I have recorded on DVR and going to bed. I’m still feeling kind of crappy, so I want to rest as much as possible so I don’t get any worse ;/


  1. in cp, was the other bar bentley's or thirsty turtle?!

  2. LOL I have no idea. It was right next to CornerStones.
